de la Luna - Tale of the Tape

After 12 months of hard work and dedication, the de la Luna trail is ready to greet riders with its challenging twists and turns. This 2100-metre-long Grade 4 trail, with a perfect 10-degree gradient, is the result of 1100 man-hours, 60 hours of clearing the trail corridor, and 30 hours of digger work.

From its classic Nelson-style dropping corners to the incredible amount of rock moved and utilised, every metre of this trail—except for a small section below Exodus—has been carefully benched and built. The effort even saw three pick/mattocks broken along the way!

Juliana Bicycles New Zealand and Silvan Forest MTB Park are stoked to invite everyone who contributed to the project to a special opening ride. Join us at 4 pm this Wednesday to celebrate the opening, with a ride to the top, a group descent, and the removal of the final barriers at Herald. A massive thank you to Juliana for their unwavering support and to all the amazing volunteers who made de la Luna a reality.

There’s still more to be done, and we’ll be hosting a few more dig days to tidy up the trail. So, if you haven’t had a chance to pitch in yet, there’s still time to get involved!

Keep an eye out on our Facebook Page, or get in touch if you want to help out!


Mid-year update from the team