Important Reminders

We try real hard to only use trail signage where its needed - we don't want to go overboard with this stuff but we do need riders to pay attention to it and not ignore it!

These ones specifically seem to be blissfully ignored:

- 'No bikes on the Road'. This is for Silvan Rd between the gate and the Y-junction to the McGazza skid, and too many riders are simply ignoring it. There have been a few close calls lately.....

- 'Trail Exit, No Entry'. Especially around the new Jumps lines. If you're ignoring these signs around the jumps you're asking for trouble, and potentially putting other people at risk.

And the old chestnut:

- When we have a trail taped off, it means that its closed, and there will be good reason(s) that its closed. As an example, we've had the new Creek trail blocked off for days now, and every morning we come back in to the forest the tape is down and riders have been in. We'll let you know when this trail is open - won't be too long.


Back in September…